[rt-users] High CPU load on RT 3.4.4, Apache2, Fast_CGI

VTW rt at vtwireless.com
Wed Nov 23 18:57:35 EST 2005

My "standard" config is to run RT in its own user account, with a custom 
installed perl, and apache.  One of my installations is as such:


rt - installed rt
local-perl - local perl
apache2 - apache2 (see my naming convention yet?)
src - the source files

This system ran fine under Apache 1.3 w/ mod_perl.  I needed to move to 
Apache 2.0 (for LDAP authentication to work, I couldn't get it running 
under 1.3).  I also switched to Fast_CGI because I could not get 
mod_perl working properly .. I keep getting perl module errors.

As soon as I start apache, or soon thereafter, I get 100% cpu usage from 
Apache's fast_cgi ..

[root at rtserver root]# ps aux | grep rt
rt        3820  0.0  0.3  7704 3496 ?        S    Nov22   0:00 
/home/rt/apache2/bin/httpd -k start
rt       22960  0.0  0.3  7704 3500 ?        S    18:00   0:00 
/home/rt/apache2/bin/fcgi- -k start
rt       22961  0.0  2.6 29636 27328 ?       S    18:00   0:00 
/home/rt/local-perl/bin//perl /home/rt/rt/bin/mason_handler.fcgi 
rt       22962  0.0  0.3  7704 3608 ?        S    18:00   0:00 
/home/rt/apache2/bin/httpd -k start
rt       22963  0.0  0.3  7704 3608 ?        S    18:00   0:00 
/home/rt/apache2/bin/httpd -k start
rt       22964  0.0  0.3  7704 3608 ?        S    18:00   0:00 
/home/rt/apache2/bin/httpd -k start
rt       22965  0.0  0.3  7704 3608 ?        S    18:00   0:00 
/home/rt/apache2/bin/httpd -k start
rt       22966  0.0  0.3  7704 3608 ?        S    18:00   0:00 
/home/rt/apache2/bin/httpd -k start
root     23239  0.0  0.0  3672  656 pts/0    S    18:54   0:00 grep rt

It will never drop to 0% cpu, and my machine always reports 1.0 1.0 1.0 
cpu usage.  It seems to get slower and slower and slower until I restart 
Apache (which I am doing every 4 hours at this point).

 From httpd.conf

LoadModule fastcgi_module modules/mod_fastcgi.so

AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi
FastCgiServer /home/rt/rt/bin/mason_handler.fcgi
ScriptAlias /rt /home/rt/rt/bin/mason_handler.fcgi

<VirtualHost *:8080>

  DocumentRoot /home/rt/rt/share/html/
  ScriptAlias /rt /home/rt/rt/bin/mason_handler.fcgi
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteRule ^$ /rt [PT,L]
  RewriteRule ^/$ /rt [PT,L]
  RewriteRule ^/(.*) /rt/$1 [PT,L]

  <Location />
  AuthLDAPEnabled on
  AuthLDAPAuthoritative on
    AuthName "Please login with your network username and password.  
Contact ************ with any problems"

  AuthType Basic
  AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=********,cn=users,dc=******,dc=corp"
  AuthLDAPBindPassword "**********"
  require valid-user
  <LocationMatch /NoAuth>
    Satisfy Any
    allow from all


Other than the 100% cpu problem, this config works fine. 

Does anyone have any ideas what might be causing my 100% cpu load problem?


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