[rt-users] Printing

John Landman J.Landman at ru.ac.za
Wed Oct 12 04:19:18 EDT 2005

Nah, not the report writer - (so you owe me lunch) its that spreadsheet

3.4.2 (which we're still on here) lets you dump a query result into a
spreadsheet - print the report from there and the old statistical thing can
surface as well - then it can be as brief as you like ....

But, I admit it was a question that was in my mind.  " )


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 16:53:16 -0400
From: "Kaplan, Andrew H." <AHKAPLAN at PARTNERS.ORG>
Subject: [rt-users] Printing
To: <rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com>
<9C63A4713C4E3342B90428CE44806A73EC381D at PHSXMB5.partners.org>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Is there a utility built into the program, or has anyone created an add-on
similar nature, that can print out tickets or a brief summary of the

Yours ->
John Landman

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 |||||||||||||||||||| Internet: J.Landman at ru.ac.za
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