[rt-users] RT: Essentials -- ToDo example

Sean M Killen s.m.killen at leeds.ac.uk
Wed Oct 26 12:48:33 EDT 2005

I am also experiencing problems with a ToDo queue.  I have RT 3.4.2 and
have followed the setting as per the book.  Privileged users cannot see
the queue in the  "Quick Search" list.  To get the ToDo queue visible I
also need to grant show ticket to Privileged, which obviously means it
is no longer personal.

I have tried putting the different rights on different groups but have
had no success.

What am I missing???

-- Sean

    Dr Sean M Killen
    UNIX Support Officer
    Faculty of Biological Sciences
    L C Miall Building
    University of Leeds
    LS2 9JT
    United Kingdom

    Tel: +44 (0)113 3433148
    Mob: +44 (0)776 8670907
    Fax: +44 (0)113 3433167

    GnuPG Key ID: ee0d36f0

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