[rt-users] editing tickets (comments and replies) - I know theanswer, but dont understand why...

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Tue Jan 3 10:11:54 EST 2006

At Monday 1/2/2006 11:55 PM, Scott Courtney wrote:

>  I don't think the editing function is as important to
>most of us as deletion, again because of the spam problem. I really don't
>want my database clogged with advertising.

With spam, you're talking about deleting whole tickets rather than 
individual transactions, so it's a different issue.

Re. deleting transactions, a Delete method did appear in the Transaction 
API somewhere in the 3.4 series (I think) and I've used it successfully, 
although there's no UI control to invoke it (yet?).

The ability to edit history was requested by our Help Desk - to do things 
like clean up tickets (remove large amounts of re-quoted emails etc.). We 
shied away from doing this, because it seemed it would be a fairly 
fundamental change and the ramifications of making history editable could 
not easily be determined. I did find a piece of code with a comment 
something like "history does not change so we can do this caching here to 
improve performance" - the comment led me to believe that implementing 
editable history would break this caching and hurt performance. And it also 
made me wonder how many other pieces of code relied on the 
history-not-editable assumption but are perhaps not so explicitly 
commented. Basically, we were afraid that without spending a long time in 
the code, it might really mess things up to make history editable.

To Duncan - thanks for bringing this up for debate, it's an interesting topic.


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