[rt-users] How can I prevent users from reading other queue's tickets?

Tim Pritlove tim at ccc.de
Tue Jul 4 10:20:14 EDT 2006


I am using RT 3.2 and just found out two annoying things

1. people who have NO permissions for a queue can still read the  
ticket when they get the URL
2. tickets that do not have an owner get listed for every user of the  
system on the main page

What can I do to prevent both things?

Tim Pritlove, Discordian Evangelist, Chaos Computer Club
<mailto:tim at ccc.de> <http://tim.geekheim.de/> <http:// 
<jabber:tim at jabber.ccc.de> <gizmo://timpritlove> <skype://timpritlove>
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