[rt-users] where is the requestor stored?

David Di David.Di at sssworldwide.com
Thu Jun 8 21:34:05 EDT 2006

Hi Michael,
Requestor is stored as a group record's, you can find it in table
Groups, where the column Instance is the ticket id. And from the table
GroupMembers you can get this group's member. Take a look at the example
1. Record in Groups:
| id     | Name | Description | Domain          | Type      | Instance |
| 229203 | NULL | NULL        | RT::Ticket-Role | Requestor |    56673 |

2. Respective record in GroupMembers:
| id     | GroupId | MemberId |
| 129629 |  229203 |   186716 |

So you can get the GroupId from the Groups record by searching for
Instance=TicketId, and then from GroupMembers record you can get the
MemberId by searching for GroupId, then the MemberId is the user's id in
Users table. 
Hope this helps.

	-----Original Message-----
	From: rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com
[mailto:rt-users-bounces at lists.bestpractical.com] On Behalf Of
michael at staff.esc.net.au
	Sent: Friday, June 09, 2006 8:28 AM
	To: rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com
	Subject: [rt-users] where is the requestor stored?



	I was wondering if anyone could tell me where in the database
the requestor is stored.


	This is part of the perl script I am using to create the ticket:



	my $CurrentUser = RT::Interface::CLI::GetCurrentUser();

	my $ticket = new RT::Ticket($CurrentUser);

	 my $ticket_body = MIME::Entity->build(Data => "

	This is a test ticket


	                                       Type => 'text/plain');

	 my %ticket_vals = ( Queue => 'Test',

	                      Subject => 'Tetst',

	                      Owner => 'Nobody',

	                      Requestor => "test\@mydomain.com",

	                      InitialPriority => '10',

	                      FinalPriority => '25',

	                      MIMEObj => $ticket_body,


	  my ($id, $transaction_object, $err) =



	The ticket is created without a problem, I just need to know
where the requestor is being stored in the mysql database.


	I have looked in the Tickets and Transactions tables, but it
does not appear to be in there.


	Can anyone point me in the right direction?



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