[rt-users] Autoreply template for each queue

Odhiambo Washington wash at wananchi.com
Tue Jun 27 12:19:08 EDT 2006

* On 27/06/06 11:51 -0400, Serge Bianda wrote:
| How can I configure an autoreply template in RT to send emails
| out based on the queue. For instance if I have a queue called support 
| and the email alias associated to it is support at domainame.com and 
| another queue called suggestion with the email alias associated to it 
| is suggestion at domainname.com and so forth. Basically when I send an 
| email to support at domainname.com I should get an autoreply from 
| support at domainname.com and if I send it to suggestion at domain.com I 
| should get an autoreply from suggestion at domainname.com. How do I make 
| that happen?

The last time I created templates (it was rt-2.x) it was as simple as 

1. create the templates with unique names and unique content
2. Disable the global autoreply scrip
3. create a scrip for each queue based on the template you've
   created for it.

I hope that applies even today, with rt-3.6.0.


       - wash 
Odhiambo Washington            		. WANANCHI ONLINE LTD (Nairobi, KE)  |
wash () WANANCHI ! com			. 1ere Etage, Loita Hse, Loita St.,  |
GSM: (+254) 722 743 223			. # 10286, 00100 NAIROBI             |
GSM: (+254) 733 744 121			. (+254) 020 313 985 - 9             |
"Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"  
						 --from a /. post

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