[rt-users] Can't find file: 'Users'

Rob Walker rob at myinternetplace.net
Thu Mar 16 13:39:41 EST 2006

I cannot log into RT this morning.

The apache logfile has the following:

DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Can't find file: 'Users' (errno: 2) at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.
pm line 492.
RT::Handle=HASH(0x987a9d8) couldn't execute the query 'SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE Name = ?' at /usr/share/perl5/D
BIx/SearchBuilder/Handle.pm line 505
        DBIx::SearchBuilder::Handle::SimpleQuery('RT::Handle=HASH(0x987a9d8)', 'SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE Name =
 ?', 'Nobody') called at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line 1218
        DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::_LoadFromSQL('RT::CurrentUser=HASH(0x99851d4)', 'SELECT  * FROM Users WHERE
Name = ?', 'Nobody') called at /usr/share/perl5/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line 1133
        DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::LoadByCols('RT::CurrentUser=HASH(0x99851d4)', 'Name', 'Nobody') called at /u
sr/share/perl5/DBIx/SearchBuilder/Record/Cachable.pm line 137
        DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::Cachable::LoadByCols('RT::CurrentUser=HASH(0x99851d4)', 'Name', 'Nobody') ca
lled at /usr/share/request-tracker3.4/lib/RT/Record.pm line 392
        RT::Record::LoadByCols('RT::CurrentUser=HASH(0x99851d4)', 'Name', 'Nobody') called at /usr/share/perl5/DB
Ix/SearchBuilder/Record.pm line 1078
        DBIx::SearchBuilder::Record::LoadByCol('RT::CurrentUser=HASH(0x99851d4)', 'Name', 'Nobody') called at /us
r/share/request-tracker3.4/lib/RT/CurrentUser.pm line 254
        RT::CurrentUser::LoadByName('RT::CurrentUser=HASH(0x99851d4)', 'Nobody') called at /usr/share/request-tra
cker3.4/lib/RT.pm line 156
        RT::Init() called at /usr/share/request-tracker3.4/libexec/webmux.pl line 120
        RT::Mason::handler('Apache=SCALAR(0x987a540)') called at /dev/null line 0
        eval {...} called at /dev/null line 0

I went to the mysql interface:

mysql> use mysql
Database changed

mysql> select * from user;


7 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> use rt34db
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed

mysql> select * from Users;
ERROR 1017 (HY000): Can't find file: 'Users' (errno: 2)

Odd, so I went and looked at /var/lib/mysql/* , and found that in the
rt34db directory there is only .frm files, and no .MYD or .MYI files,
as there are in the mysql directory.  (Well, there are 
rt34db/sessions.MY? files, but I figure those were created during my
login attempts.

So, is my dataset hosed?  Do I need to figure out mysql restores?
Do I need to beat someone over the head for not doing regular backups?


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