[rt-users] Importing data from a legacy system

Stephen Turner sturner at MIT.EDU
Tue Sep 12 14:17:45 EDT 2006

At Tuesday 9/12/2006 10:07 AM, Johan Schoen wrote:
>I want to know best practice of importing ticket data, including history,
>from a legacy ticket system into RT.
>I wrote:
>>>How should I import ticket history into the Transaction table 
>>>without risking me kneecaps?


I'd definitely recommend writing a custom perl script that uses the 
RT API. There's a sample script on the wiki in the Contributions 
section (rt-adduser) that should get you started.

You'll probably want to find a way to turn off RT's outgoing email 
when you load tickets, otherwise your users may get mail relating to 
old tickets. Also, I found that turning off all scrip processing 
speeds up the load considerably. I hacked the RT perl code to do both 
these things.


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