[rt-users] Help I'm Stuck...why won't my tickets display HTML?

Steve_McStravick at BreconRidge.com Steve_McStravick at BreconRidge.com
Thu Apr 19 09:06:05 EDT 2007

I've looked on WIKI and through the Threads and found similar questions,
but not quite what I need.

I send RT tickets in HTML with embedded screenshots and links but the
images get replaced by "(Embedded images moved to file: pic12345.jpg)" with
the "Download pic12345.jpg [image/jpeg 555.5k]" links at the bottom of the
ticket, rather than embedded in the ticket display, which would provide
better clarity.
No Rich Text is shown either (underline, bold, etc.).

I've set the RT_SiteConfig properties to:

Set($TrustHTMLAttachments , '1');
Set($PreferRichText, '1');

I'm thinking I must be missing something obvious, but I can't figure it

Steve McStravick
Business Systems Analyst - MES

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