[rt-users] Auto create multiple child tickets from one request

Steve_McStravick at BreconRidge.com Steve_McStravick at BreconRidge.com
Thu Apr 19 13:55:08 EDT 2007

Thanks..I never thought of looking at approvals..works like a charm, now I
just need to wrap an if statement around somewhere to determine which
tickets need to be created based on a combobox custom field.

Steve McStravick
Business Systems Analyst - MES

             "Ham MI-ID,                                                   
             Torsten Brumm"                                                
             <torsten.brumm at Ku                                          To 
             ehne-Nagel.com>           <Steve_McStravick at BreconRidge.com>, 
                                       <RT-Users at lists.bestpractical.com>  
             04/19/2007 09:44                                           cc 
                                       AW: [rt-users] Auto create multiple 
                                       child tickets from one request      

If you like to do this automatically, use a scip oncreate with option
create tickets and a template that create the ticket in a queue you need.
Look around at the wiki, there are many hints for approval creation, its
the same only different ticket type.


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