[rt-users] Query to find open tkts where customer hasn't been replied to

James Moseley jmoseley at corp.xanadoo.com
Wed Aug 8 20:33:22 EDT 2007

Additionally, you probably want to use a status of 'new'.  New tickets mean
they haven't been touched.  Of course, new tickets don't have a 'Told'
value.  If a ticket is open, it's been touched in some manner, but it
doesn't mean that the customer has been responded to...

Are you looking for tickets that have never been touched but are more than
an hour old, or you trying to identify all open tickets that simply haven't
been updated within the last hour?

James Moseley

             "Ruslan Zakirov"                                              
             <ruz at bestpractica                                             
             l.com>                                                     To 
             Sent by:                  "Gary Oberbrunner"                  
             rt-users-bounces@         <garyo at genarts.com>                 
             lists.bestpractic                                          cc 
             al.com                    rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com    
                                       Re: [rt-users] Query to find open   
             08/08/2007 07:13          tkts where customer hasn't been     
             PM                        replied to                          

Try the following:
Queue = 'support' AND Status = 'open' AND Told < '-5 hours'

Sorry, but the UI doesn't support building queries where date fields
are compared to each other.

On 8/9/07, Gary Oberbrunner <garyo at genarts.com> wrote:
> I'd like to make a query to find all open tickets where the customer's
> waiting for a reply for longer than N hours.  It looks to me like Told is
> last time the customer was replied to, and LastUpdated is the last time
> anything happened in the ticket.  So I tried this, in the Edit Query
>   Queue = 'support' AND Status = 'open' AND Told + 1 < LastUpdated
> but when I apply the changes, RT says "Error near ->LastUpdated<-
expecting a
> VALUE in ' Queue = 'support' AND Status = 'open' AND Told > LastUpdated'
>  I'm lost"
> which is cute, but doesn't help me make my query.  How can I do this?
> pretty straightforward SQL, but I'm not sure how to make a straight SQL
> from the interface.  Is there a mode where I can mark a query as "just
> it to the database as a WHERE clause, don't try to interpret it"?
> Or is there a better way to do what I'm looking for?
> thx,
> --
> Gary
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Best regards, Ruslan.

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