[rt-users] FastCGI issues?

mailing list sunlist at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 16 16:27:07 EDT 2007

I've searched the Net and list and found the following post,
http://lists.fsck.com/pipermail/rt-users/2003-February/012315.html.  However,
there was no resolution to the post.  I've looked at apache2 and fastcgi
configuration, and both seems to be configure correctly.  The line "AddHandler
fastcgi-script fcgi" is present in httpd.conf file.  Any ideas where I might
need to investigate further?  Thank you.

[Fri Jul 13 14:28:29 2007] [error] [client] FastCGI: comm with
server "/opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi" aborted: idle timeout (300 sec),
referer: https://rt.abc.com/Ticket/Create.html?Queue=5

[Fri Jul 13 14:28:29 2007] [error] [client] FastCGI: incomplete
headers (0 bytes) received from server "/opt/rt3/bin/mason_handler.fcgi",
referer: https://rt.abc.com/Ticket/Create.html?Queue=5

Below is more information from RT configuration/tool menu.  Solaris 10, RT

Loaded perl modules

Perl v5.8.4 under solaris 
  Apache::Session v1.82;
  Apache::Session::Generate::MD5 v2.1;
  Apache::Session::Lock::MySQL v1.00;
  Apache::Session::MySQL v1.01;
  Apache::Session::Serialize::Storable v1.00;
  Apache::Session::Store::DBI v1.02;
  Apache::Session::Store::MySQL v1.04;
  AutoLoader v5.60;
  base v2.05;
  Benchmark v1.06;
  bytes v1.01;
  Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry v0.27;
  capitalization v0.03;
  Carp v1.02;
  CGI v3.29;
  CGI::Cookie v1.28;
  CGI::Fast v1.07;
  CGI::Util v1.5;
  Class::Container v0.12;
  Class::Data::Inheritable v0.06;
  Class::ReturnValue v0.53;
  Clone v0.23;
  constant v1.04;
  Convert::ASN1 v0.21;
  Cwd v3.24;
  Data::Dumper v2.121;
  Date::Format v2.22;
  Date::Parse v2.27;
  DBD::mysql v4.004;
  DBI v1.56;
  DBIx::SearchBuilder v1.48;
  DBIx::SearchBuilder::Union v0;
  DBIx::SearchBuilder::Unique v0.01;
  Devel::StackTrace v1.15;
  Devel::StackTraceFrame v0.6;
  Devel::Symdump v2.07;
  Digest::base v1.00;
  Digest::MD5 v2.33;
  DynaLoader v1.05;
  Encode v1.99_01;
  Encode::Alias v1.38;
  Encode::Config v1.07;
  Encode::Encoding v1.33;
  Encode::Guess v1.09;
  Encode::Unicode v1.40;
  Errno v1.09;
  Exception::Class v1.23;
  Exception::Class::Base v1.2;
  Exporter v5.58;
  Exporter::Heavy v5.58;
  FCGI v0.67;
  Fcntl v1.05;
  File::Basename v2.72;
  File::Glob v1.02;
  File::Path v1.06;
  File::Spec v3.24;
  File::Spec::Unix v1.5;
  File::Temp v0.18;
  FileHandle v2.01;
  HTML::Element v3.23;
  HTML::Entities v1.35;
  HTML::Formatter v2.04;
  HTML::FormatText v2.04;
  HTML::Mason v1.35;
  HTML::Mason::CGIHandler v1.00;
  HTML::Mason::Exception v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::Abort v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::Compilation::IncompatibleCompiler v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::Compiler v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::Decline v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::Params v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::Syntax v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::System v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::TopLevelNotFound v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exception::VirtualMethod v1.1;
  HTML::Mason::Exceptions v1.43;
  HTML::Parser v3.56;
  HTML::Scrubber v0.08;
  HTML::Tagset v3.10;
  HTML::TreeBuilder v3.23;
  HTTP::Date v1.47;
  I18N::LangTags v0.29;
  integer v1.00;
  IO v1.21;
  IO::File v1.10;
  IO::Handle v1.24;
  IO::InnerFile v2.110;
  IO::Lines v2.110;
  IO::Scalar v2.110;
  IO::ScalarArray v2.110;
  IO::Seekable v1.09;
  IO::Select v1.16;
  IO::Socket v1.28;
  IO::Socket::INET v1.27;
  IO::Socket::UNIX v1.21;
  IO::Wrap v2.110;
  IO::WrapTie v2.110;
  IPC::Open2 v1.01;
  IPC::Open3 v1.0106;
  lib v0.5565;
  List::Util v1.19;
  Locale::Maketext v1.08;
  Locale::Maketext::Fuzzy v0.02;
  Locale::Maketext::Lexicon v0.62;
  Locale::Maketext::Lexicon::Gettext v0.15;
  Log::Dispatch v2.18;
  Log::Dispatch::Base v1.09;
  Log::Dispatch::Output v1.26;
  Log::Dispatch::Screen v1.17;
  Log::Dispatch::Syslog v1.18;
  Mail::Address v1.77;
  Mail::Field v1.77;
  Mail::Field::AddrList v1.77;
  Mail::Field::Date v1.77;
  Mail::Header v1.77;
  Mail::Internet v1.77;
  MIME::Base64 v3.01;
  MIME::Body v5.420;
  MIME::Decoder v5.420;
  MIME::Decoder::NBit v5.420;
  MIME::Entity v5.420;
  MIME::Field::ContDisp v5.420;
  MIME::Field::ConTraEnc v5.420;
  MIME::Field::ContType v5.420;
  MIME::Field::ParamVal v5.420;
  MIME::Head v5.420;
  MIME::Parser v5.420;
  MIME::QuotedPrint v3.01;
  MIME::Tools v5.420;
  MIME::Words v5.420;
  Module::Versions::Report v1.02;
  Net::LDAP v0.34;
  Net::LDAP::ASN v0.04;
  Net::LDAP::Bind v1.02;
  Net::LDAP::Constant v0.04;
  Net::LDAP::Entry v0.23;
  Net::LDAP::Filter v0.15;
  Net::LDAP::Message v1.09;
  Net::LDAP::Search v0.11;
  Net::LDAP::Util v0.11;
  overload v1.01;
  Params::Validate v0.88;
  re v0.04;
  Regexp::Common v2.120;
  Regexp::Common::delimited v2.104;
  RT v3.6.3;
  RT::Interface::Email v2;
  Scalar::Util v1.19;
  SelectSaver v1.00;
  Socket v1.77;
  Storable v2.12;
  strict v1.03;
  Symbol v1.05;
  Sys::Hostname v1.11;
  Sys::Syslog v0.05;
  Text::Template v1.44;
  Text::Wrapper v1.01;
  Tie::Hash v1.01;
  Time::HiRes v1.59;
  Time::JulianDay v2003.1125;
  Time::Local v1.07;
  Time::ParseDate v2006.0814;
  Time::Timezone v2006.0814;
  Time::Zone v2.22;
  Tree::Simple v1.17;
  UNIVERSAL v1.01;
  UNIVERSAL::require v0.11;
  URI v1.35;
  URI::Escape v3.28;
  utf8 v1.03;
  vars v1.01;
  warnings v1.03;
  warnings::register v1.00;
  XSLoader v0.02;

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