[rt-users] Your internal change procedures?

Kenneth Crocker KFCrocker at lbl.gov
Mon Jul 23 14:28:32 EDT 2007


	We are in the process of designing a "workflow" process that is 
executed by scrips that require a CF to be changed to a specified value 
(approval of the request, approval of the testing, approval of the QA 
results, etc.) before automatically promoting the ticket status to a new 
value ("rq approvd", "qa approvd", etc.). This meant adding some new 
ticket status values, creating a Custom Field with values relative to 
the approval of each stage of development, an "Approval Group" as the 
only group with the permission to modify said CF and of course, the 
scrips to execute when the CF is modified. We initiated this design as a 
more robust answer to the "Approvals" concept that RT offers as a default.


Tom Lanyon wrote:
> Hi list,
> I was just curious what other organisations do regarding the management 
> of all changes and development on their RT instances?
> For example, if you have a team developing custom integrations/add-ons 
> to RT, do they have a separate development instance? who handles the 
> migration of the completed add-on into the production/live RT instance? 
> Is every change documented somewhere?
> Similarly for managing via the web interface; eg. do you have multiple 
> people creating Scrips? Is this done all on the live site at the risk of 
> interrupting currently functioning Scrips? If not, do you do this sort 
> of work on a development instance and then have a person in charge of 
> doing quality assurance and then migrating these changes live?
> Any thoughts would be interesting. :)
> -- 
> Tom Lanyon
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