[rt-users] CC not receiving email

mailing list sunlist at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 25 14:25:24 EDT 2007

I was able to disable LDAP to use the all the fields in opening a new ticket
without LDAP externally verifying all the fields.  However, I ran into a new
problem, when opening a new ticket, email address in the Cc field is not going
out.  I've searched the list and found that I possibly might need to edit the
RT_SiteConfig.pm file and modify the $ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs and/or the
$RTAddressRegexp setting.

However, I do not see any of the above parameters in RT_SiteConfig.pm, do I
need to add/modify or do something different to get email address in Cc field
going out?  Additionally, email does go out to the Requestor and Admin Cc, just
not for the Cc.

RT 3.6.3 on Solaris 10.  Thank you.



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