[rt-users] RT-Extension-CommandByMail: salutations cause Extended mailgate error

Robert G. Werner rwerner at usscript.com
Mon Jun 11 12:09:27 EDT 2007

Eugenia Distefano wrote:
> Hi.
> We are a team of sysadmins and use RT to track users' requests.
> We are currently running RT 3.6.1 with RT-Extension-CommandByMail-0.05
> on Solaris 2.8.
I pre-filter messages going into an RT queue and remove the colons (:) 
after the first word on a line.  I send the messages to a command from 
procmail that then forwards the munged message to the queue's mailgate.

Robert G. Werner (Network Systems Administrator)
rwerner at usscript.com


If only you had a personality instead of an attitude.

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