[rt-users] Default Time Worked

Mathew Snyder theillien at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 26 11:30:57 EDT 2007

YES!!!  That's exactly what I need.  And the change worked perfectly.

Keep up with me and what I'm up to: http://theillien.blogspot.com

Roger Gammans wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 10:46:46AM -0400, Edge, Sean wrote:
>> Mathew,
>> The only way I could think to have the "Time Worked" field automatically
>> filled would be to modify the RT code or db schema, neither of which I
>> would recommend.
> Matt, 
> Does visitng the following URL give you
> what you want?
> $RT_URL/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&UpdateTimeWorked=5&id=$TICKETID
> If so youcould change either the links in the main rt pages to append
> '&UpdateTimeWorked=5' to the edit urls or or
> $RTPATH/html/Ticket/Update.html to set a deafult on this variable.
> ($ARGS{UpdateTimeWorked} in the perl.

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