[rt-users] Adding something to Elements/Header

Subredu Manuel diablo at roedu.net
Wed May 16 05:25:13 EDT 2007

Mathew Snyder wrote:
> I know nothing of CGI and Mason and whatnot so I don't know how to do this
> exactly.  I've sorted a little bit out.  I want to add a timestamp to the header
> which will be centered above the bar that holds the text such as 'RT at a
> glance' or 'Query Builder'.  So far I have it formatted using
> % my %months = (
> %       1  => "January",
> %       2  => "February",
> %       3  => "March",
> %       4  => "April",
> %       5  => "May",
> %       6  => "June",
> %       7  => "July",
> %       8  => "August",
> %       9  => "September",
> %       10 => "October",
> %       11 => "November",
> %       12 => "December");
> % my ($second, $minute, $hour, $day_in_month, $month, $year) = (localtime) [0..5];
> % $year += 1900;
> % printf "%9s%3s,%5s%3s:%2d:%2d", "$months{$month}", "$day_in_month", "$year",
> "$hour", "$minute", "$second";
> I just don't know how to format it like HTML.  How can I center it and place it
> directly above the bar instead of floating at the top of the page?  I'd also
> like to be able to manipulate the font.  Can anyone provide insight?

 The right way is to put your modifications inside a div, and manipulate
the visual details from the css.

PS_1: The perl code is very ugly :)
PS_2: when using localtime, remember that the month is a integer in
0..11 range.
PS_3: if you use hashes, use references.

> Thanks,
> Mathew

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