[rt-users] Need to trigger scrip on ticket moved *out* of queue

Scott Courtney scott at 4th.com
Tue May 22 09:37:36 EDT 2007

Good morning!

We are trying to set up a scrip that will notify a pager email address when
a ticket is moved *out of* one particular queue, regardless of the destination

Ordinarily, we could put this on the global scrips, but we only want it to
affect one queue. Since the messages will go to a pager, we don't want a page
every time anyone moves any ticket anywhere. :-)

The initial thought was to use the "On Queue Change" condition, but it appears
that fires at the destination queue rather than at the source queue. I was
able to get our scrip to work when we move a ticket *into* the queue, but not
when something moves out. As with global, we can't just put this scrip on all
the other queues, because then we'll be bombarded with unwanted notifications.

Here's what I have now, for testing:

Description: Notify pager when ticket moved out
Condition:   On Queue Change
Action:      Notify AdminCCs
Template:    Global template: Transaction
Stage:       Transaction Create

Custom conditions/actions: none

We'll probably change the action to a custom action once we get the triggering
right. For now, I just want to validate that a known-working action is fired
when the event of interest occurs.

Do I need to go to a custom condition for this? If so, what determines when
my conditional expression is evaluated?

Thanks for any advice.


Scott Courtney         | "I don't mind Microsoft making money. I mind them
scott at 4th.com          | having a bad operating system."    -- Linus Torvalds
http://4th.com/        | ("The Rebel Code," NY Times, 21 February 1999)
                       | PGP Public Key at http://4th.com/keys/scott.pubkey

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