[rt-users] Is it possible to change queue name in place of rtname?

Krishna Prasad krishna.prasad at spartanlabs.com
Thu Nov 1 06:34:06 EDT 2007


I installed RT extension BrandedQqueues for 3.6.5. As mentioned in Readme
file I made changes in RT_Siteconfig.pm to add line:
use RT::Extension::BrandedQueues;

Then modified autoreply template to have [{$Ticket->QueueObj->Tag}
#{$Ticket->id()}] in place of [{$rtname} #{$Ticket->id()}]
After restarting web server we created a ticket but it still had rtname and
not queue name in the email subject line.

Does this extension work for 3.6.5? or we missed anything? 
Please reply.

Thanks a lot for the help.
Krishna Prasad

-----Original Message-----
From: Krishna Prasad [mailto:krishna.prasad at spartanlabs.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 11:38 AM
To: 'Todd Chapman'; 'rt-users-request at lists.bestpractical.com';
'rt-users at lists.bestpractical.com'; 'Ruslan.Zakirov at miet.ru';
'jesse at bestpractical.com'
Subject: RE: [rt-users] Is it possible to change queue name in place of


Is this (i.e. the above link for queue name in place of rtname in subject
line) helpful for RT 3.6.5 version?

I have read the Readme file, it says it is helpful for 3.2 and 3.4 versions.

I am using RT3.6.5 version. Can you please give me the solution for RT3.6.5
version and also I am using centos 4.3 version.


You want this:

On 10/31/07, Krishna Prasad <krishna.prasad at spartanlabs.com> wrote:
> I'd like to add queue name to the subject line in RT tickets.
> Is it possible to change the queue name in place of rtname in subject
> Can any one send me the solution for this issue?

> With Regards,
> Krishna Prasad

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