[rt-users] RSS Feed Permissions/Authentication problem (Repost)

Andreas Schamanek schamane at fam.tuwien.ac.at
Mon Nov 19 03:28:03 EST 2007

Hi there,

On Mon, 19 Nov 2007, Torben Nehmer wrote:

> does anybody have any idea here, would it be possible to move the 
> RSS streams to HTTP Basic Authentication?

In advance, I apologize for not having tested this myself with RT. The 
following is just wild guessing but it's probably the way I'd try to 
go if I had to (and I actually do so in other frameworks): 

You could try to retrieve the RSS data "off-line" by means of some 
command-line tool. Then let your WWW server do the authentication. 
I am using a method called screen scraping by means of Perl's 
WWW::Mechanize. WWW::Mechanize is old but still does a good job.


-- Andreas

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