[rt-users] Error when trying to remove a Member of a group

Emmanuel Lacour elacour at easter-eggs.com
Mon Nov 19 12:32:19 EST 2007

On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 11:12:09AM +0100, Emmanuel Lacour wrote:
> I try to empty a group from his members which are mixed users/groups,
> and I get those errors for many of those members groups:

i.e. group "groupA" as  for example the following members:


> [Fri Nov 16 09:50:41 2007] [warning]: User not loaded.  (/opt/rt/lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm:1792)
> [Fri Nov 16 09:50:41 2007] [warning]: Unable to revoke delegated rights
> for principal 22525 (/opt/rt/lib/RT/GroupMember_Overlay.pm:334)
> and this member group cannot be removed :(
> Many thanks for any idea/hint to solve this?
> Tested with RT 3.4.5 and 3.6.3 on the same database (Oracle 9i).

Here is more informations:

If I disable the following line in
/opt/rt/lib/RT/GroupMember_Overlay.pm, function "Delete", line 332:

$err = $self->MemberObj->_CleanupInvalidDelegations(InsideTransaction => 1);

I can delete those member groups (group1, group2, ...).

If it could help understanding the problem, here is a dumper of $self
then @_ in /opt/rt/lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm function

[Mon Nov 19 17:15:42 2007] [warning]: Dumper1: $VAR1 = bless( {
                 '_Class' => 'RT::User',
                 'original_user' => undef,
                 '_SB_Record_Primary_RecordCache_key' => undef,
                 'user' => bless( {
                                    '_Class' => 'RT::CurrentUser',
                                    'LangHandle' => bless( {}, 'RT::I18N::en' ),
                                    '_SB_Record_Primary_RecordCache_key' => 'id=284971',
                                    'table' => 'Users',
                                    'values' => {
                                                  'creator' => '12',
                                                  'comments' => undef,
                                                  'state' => undef,
                                                  'webencoding' => undef,
                                                  'realname' => 'RT Connect',
                                                  'password' => '*NO-PASSWORD*',
                                                  'authsystem' => undef,
                                                  'homephone' => undef,

                                                  'id' => '284971',
                                                  'timezone' => undef,
                                                  'lang' => 'en',
                                                  'name' => 'rtconnect',
                                                  'contactinfosystem' => undef,
                                                  'zip' => undef,
                                                  'emailencoding' => undef,
                                                  'lastupdated' => '2007-10-18 17:50:41',
                                                  'signature' => undef,
                                                  'externalauthid' => undef,
                                                  'address1' => undef,
                                                  'workphone' => undef,
                                                  'emailaddress' => 'rtconnect at foo.bar',
                                                  'freeformcontactinfo' => undef,
                                                  'city' => undef,
                                                  'gecos' => 'rtconnect',
                                                  'organization' => 'Foo',
                                                  'country' => undef,
                                                  'mobilephone' => undef,
                                                  'nickname' => 'rtconnect',
                                                  'externalcontactinfoid' => undef,
                                                  'address2' => undef,
                                                  'created' => '2007-10-18 15:34:59',
                                                  'pgpkey' => undef,
                                                  'pagerphone' => undef,
                                                  'lastupdatedby' => '284971'
                                    'fetched' => {
                                                   'creator' => 1,
                                                   'comments' => 1,
                                                   'state' => 1,
                                                   'webencoding' => 1,
                                                   'realname' => 1,
                                                   'password' => 1,
                                                   'authsystem' => 1,
                                                   'homephone' => 1,
                                                   'id' => 1,
                                                   'timezone' => 1,
                                                   'lang' => 1,
                                                   'name' => 1,
                                                   'contactinfosystem' => 1,
                                                   'zip' => 1,
                                                   'emailencoding' => 1,
                                                   'signature' => 1,
                                                   'lastupdated' => 1,
                                                   'externalauthid' => 1,
                                                   'address1' => 1,
                                                   'workphone' => 1,
                                                   'emailaddress' => 1,
                                                   'freeformcontactinfo' => 1,
                                                   'city' => 1,
                                                   'gecos' => 1,
                                                   'organization' => 1,
                                                   'country' => 1,
                                                   'mobilephone' => 1,
                                                   'nickname' => 1,
                                                   'externalcontactinfoid' => 1,
                                                   'address2' => 1,
                                                   'created' => 1,
                                                   'pgpkey' => 1,
                                                   'lastupdatedby' => 1,
                                                   'pagerphone' => 1
                                  }, 'RT::CurrentUser' ),
                 'table' => 'Users',
                 'values' => {},
                 'fetched' => {}
               }, 'RT::User' ); (/opt/rt/lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm:1791)

[Mon Nov 19 17:15:42 2007] [warning]: Dumper2: $VAR1 = 'InsideTransaction';
$VAR2 = 1;
$VAR3 = 'Object';
$VAR4 = undef; (/opt/rt/lib/RT/User_Overlay.pm:1792)

Thanks for any help :)

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