AW: Re: [rt-users] clean up user table

Gordon Messmer gmessmer at
Tue Nov 27 11:21:51 EST 2007

Ham MI-ID, Torsten Brumm wrote:
> Hi,
> Make sure to delete the users in a safe way with rtx-shredder and not 
> directly from the db.

I'd prefer to, but as I said before, it doesn't work.  The newest 
version of rtx-shredder has a User plugin that has a no_tickets option, 
but when I use that, it says that there's nothing to remove.

> Btw, about how many users we talk? We have NO 
> performance problems with 30.000 active and a half a million inactive 
> users....

 From my original message: CachedGroupMembers (254475 rows), 
GroupMembers (87456 rows), Groups (95138 rows), Principals (110714 
rows), and Users (15574 rows) tables.

It doesn't seem like much, but it is mighty slow.  How do your tables 

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