[rt-users] ticket announce email
Gene LeDuc
gleduc at mail.sdsu.edu
Wed Nov 28 14:30:27 EST 2007
Hi Mathew,
Start by printing out the applicable elements ([0] - [5] and [8]) from
localtime(str2time($ticket->Created)) and comparing them to what you see in
RT, then print the same elements from localtime(time) and see what you
get. If it's a timezone or DST issue you can compensate for it. Once you
get time values you can trust you work on the next issue.
At 10:25 AM 11/28/2007, Mathew Snyder wrote:
>This is the script I came up with:
>use warnings;
>use strict;
>use lib '/usr/local/rt3/lib';
>use lib '/usr/local/rt3/local/lib';
>use RT;
>use RT::Tickets;
>use RT::Users;
>use MIME::Lite;
>use Date::Parse;
>my $tix = new RT::Tickets(RT::SystemUser);
>$tix->FromSQL('Queue = "CustomerCare" AND Status = "new" AND Owner =
>while (my $ticket = $tix->Next) {
> my $diff = time - str2time($ticket->Created);
> print $ticket->id . ": " . str2time($ticket->Created) . "\n";
> print time . "\n";
> print "diff: " . $diff . "\n";
> if (($diff/60) >= 5) {
> print "diff adjusted: " . ($diff/60) . "\n";
> &email();
> exit;
> }
>sub email {
> my $emailTo = 'msnyder at company.com';
> my $emailFrom = 'RT-devel';
> my $emailSubj = 'Tickets In CustomerCare Need Your Attention
> #my $emailMsg = 'There are tickets in CustomerCare that are 5 or
>more minutes old. These tickets require action even if it is placing them in
>the appropriate queue. Please attend to these tickets.\n\nThank You';
> my $emailMsg = 'This is a test message for a script I am
> working on.';
> my $fullEmail = new MIME::Lite(From => $emailFrom,
> To => $emailTo,
> Subject => $emailSubj,
> Type => "multipart/mixed"
> );
> $fullEmail->attach(Type => "TEXT",
> Data => $emailMsg
> );
> $fullEmail->send("sendmail", "/usr/sbin/sendmail -t");
>This refuses to work though. If I leave it as is I get a negative number for
>$diff/60 because $ticket->Created indicates a number greater than
>time(). I can
>only guess it has something to do with timezones but I don't know. If I
>the operands and subtract time from the ticket creation I get a number in the
>200s but which is always shrinking and will end up in the negatives because I
>shouldn't be subtracting time from teh created time anyway.
>This is sampler output when subtracting ticket created time from time():
>Ticket Created Time: 1196291034
>time(): 1196273826
>diff: -17208
>and when subtracting time() from the ticket creation time:
>Ticket Created Time: 1196291034
>time(): 1196273872
>diff: 17162
>On top of all this, even when the number comes out positive, dividing by 60
>(which I'm assuming I have to do as time and str2time output time since the
>epoch as seconds) spits out a number that doesn't even correlate.
>Can someone take a look at this and help me out. Thanks.
>Keep up with me and what I'm up to: http://theillien.blogspot.com
>Gene LeDuc wrote:
> > I do it using days, not minutes, but the concept is the same. Try using
> > a cron job that runs every 2 minutes. The perl API makes it easy to
> > read ticket values, so it would be pretty straightforward to compare
> > Updated to now() and send an e-mail if the difference is > 5min. It's
> > possible this way to have a ticket languish for up to 6 minutes, but you
> > could run the cron every minute if it's that critical.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Gene
> >
> > At 01:33 PM 11/27/2007, Mathew Snyder wrote:
> >> I'm considering implementing a method of telling those that need to
> >> know when a
> >> ticket has been in our triage queue untouched for a predetermined
> >> amount of time
> >> (say, five minutes). I'd like to poll this queue and, if a ticket
> >> which meets
> >> these requirements exists, send an email out telling people to act on it.
> >>
> >> Has anyone done this before and if so, which method did you use?
> >
> >
Gene LeDuc, GSEC
Security Analyst
San Diego State University
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