[rt-users] Seeking users of RT's "Rights Delegation"

Benjamin Weser weser at osp-dd.de
Mon Sep 24 03:18:52 EDT 2007

I've set up our RT with Delegation even if I'm not so sure if this is 
the best solution for our problem.

We are developing in different groups in several countries and a lot of 
"manager" are also included in the process of bug tracking, decision 
making etc. since this is a joint venture and many many people are 
involved in the process. The goal was to find a tracking system for 
change requests where managers can create tickets and see the process of 
working (at least the replies), developers should work on the ticket but 
not create some and some "team leaders" should assign tickets to 
developers and also change them to "resolved" after verifying the work 
of the developers is done. Another hurdle is that some manager should 
see queue A, B and D, another one B, C and F and another one all of them 
etc. Same for different developers and team leaders. No Delegation is 
needed so far since you could assign all the rights to different people 
if you like but I think this would get really messy soon if everybody 
has different globally rights. And my boss wanted me to set up 
possibilities for different Queue Admins (I call them Quads ;) ) which 
should be able to add people to their queues, assign them rights etc so 
the responsibility for each queue lays in the hands of each Quad. This 
is why I used Delegation then.

To avoid a lot of trouble if somebody will leave the company or somebody 
else should be responsible for a queue and all rights have to be 
transfered I created a "non-personal" account for each queue, called it 
Quad<Queuename> and gave it all rights of the specific queue. Think of 
it like a root account on a UNIX system for which I can give away the 
password to the responsible person. Within each of these accounts I 
created three personal groups: CreateTicket (for managers to post their 
requests or bugs etc, they can only create tickets, see the queue and 
ticket and reply), WorkOnTicket (for all the developers, they can reply, 
comment) and TeamLeader (they have almost all admin rights, can 
take/steal/assign/resolve tickets).

So with this setup each Quad account can be used to administer one 
queue, add people or global groups (like DevelopersTownX, 
DevelopersTownY, VIPManager), remove them etc.

Well I'm still not so sure if this was the best solution but at least it 
is a solution for our splitted system here. It only gets very annoying 
when it comes to changes within the queues which can't be done globally. 
I have to login to each queue with the Quad account, make the changes, 
logout and login with the next Quad for each queue. The more queues I 
have the worse it gets. Right now we have ten queues but since it works 
now, not so many changes take place anymore. The big advantage of this 
system is (in my point of view) that I have a better overview over the 
rights of each queue. I don't have to give rights globally, for queues 
and several people. The global groups I mentioned above 
(DevelopersTownX, ...) have no rights at all but work as a nice 
collection. If a new developer joins the team I only have to add him 
globally to this group and he will get the rights of the personal group 
of a Quad to which his global group was added in a queue.

I hope you all understand this complex behaviour and didn't describe it 
too confusing. If I did, just ask for further description. Or also 
please tell me if you know a better (and less complex) way to manage all 
these requirements.


Jesse Vincent schrieb:
> On Sat, Sep 22, 2007 at 04:11:51PM -0400, Mathew wrote:
>> We don't currently use it but, it is a major part of a work flow
>> overhaul we are currently developing.
> Can you explain how you plan to use it?
>> Keep up with my goings on at http://theillien.blogspot.com
>> Jesse Vincent wrote:
>>> As far as I know, _nobody_ uses this feature of RT. If nobody speaks up
>>> and tells me otherwise, the feature may be removed from a future version
>>> of RT.
>>> So. Do you use Delegation? If so, what sort of process makes it useful
>>> for you?
>>> Best,
>>> Jesse
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