[rt-users] Weird error on Owner Change: "Could not change owner. Group already has member"

Lars Braeuer lb at mpexnet.de
Fri Apr 4 05:16:13 EDT 2008


I'm using RT 3.6.6, having three Groups defined.

The group I'm in, has all rights granted on the global level.

But still I'm not able to take some of the tickets currently owned by "Nobody".

Whenever I try to change the owner of some tickets (using the "Basics" section 
in the ticket view), I'm getting the error message: "Could not change owner. 
Group already has member"

I tried to debug this issue. So I found out that the first part of the error 
message is originated from lib/RT/Ticket_Overlay.pm line 3079:

     my ( $add_id, $add_msg ) = $self->OwnerGroup->_AddMember(
                                        PrincipalId => $NewOwnerObj->PrincipalId,
                                        InsideTransaction => 1 );
     unless ($add_id) {
         return ( 0, $self->loc("Could not change owner. ") . $add_msg );

Digging further down, I was wondering why the AddMember function is used at all?

The second part of the error "Group already has member" is originated from 
lib/RT/Group_Overlay.pm line 985:

     if ( $self->HasMember( $new_member_obj ) ) {

         #User is already a member of this group. no need to add it
         return ( 0, $self->loc("Group already has member") );

Why would it be required, to add the user to a group, when I'm just trying to 
change the owner of the ticket?

Commenting out the block in Ticket_Overlay.pm starting with "unless ($add_id) {" 
fixes the issue, but I'm not sure if this is breaking anything.

Thanks in advance for any advice.


Lars Bräuer
MPeX.net GmbH                                   MPeXnetworks
Werner-Voß-Damm 62                    http://mpexnetworks.de
D-12101 Berlin                   Tel: ++49 - 30 - 780 97 180
Germany                          Fax: ++49 - 30 - 780 97 181

HRB 76688, Berlin                 Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Geschäftsführer:                          Gregor Lawatscheck
                                           Robert Lawatscheck
                                                  Lars Bräuer

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