[rt-users] RT at a Glance HASH ref error during upgrade from 3.4 to 3.8

Ruslan Zakirov ruz at bestpractical.com
Wed Aug 6 20:26:25 EDT 2008

On Thu, Aug 7, 2008 at 3:20 AM, Larry Han <lhan at semaphore.com> wrote:
> I'm in the process of moving and upgrading our RT server from
> rt 3.4.1
> mysql 4.0
> to
> rt 3.8
> mysql 5.0
> I have followed the steps on the forum and I have the database moved over to mysql 5.0
Which forum?

and everything seems to work including attachments.
You mean that attahcments worked fine with new RT 3.8.0 on clean DB
hosted on mysql 5.0 server?

Have you tested old attachments that were in old DB on mysql 4.0?

> I did a mysql dump from the old 4.0 database and then imported the dump into the 5.0 database. Then I applied the 'rt-setup-database --action upgrade' command and then did the mysql schema upgrade.

I think here is problem. Could you share config of your new mysql 5.0
and all commands you used to migrate DB from old 4.0 server to 5.0?

At this point I can suggest you reimport DB from dump (I think you
used mysqldump for migration) using --default-character-set=binary
option. Then again apply schema upgrade scrip.

> All tickets seeem to be present in the current database and all attachments look fine. However, I get the following error in the RT at a glance page.
> Can't use string ("BQYDAAAAAgQCAAAAAwQDAAAAAgoKTXkg") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /var/www/tickets01/share/html/Elements/MyRT line 76, line 504.
> The RT at a Glance config pages show a similar error.
> Searching google for this error message or parts of this error message return nothing. Is there a step that I forgot to do or something that causes this problem? Do I have a misconfigured or incorrect perl package?
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Best regards, Ruslan.

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