[rt-users] Forking a ticket

Jesse Vincent jesse at bestpractical.com
Sun Aug 24 20:25:46 EDT 2008

On Aug 24, 2008, at 8:19 PM, David Sitsky wrote:

> Joop van de Wege wrote:
>> Roedel, Mark wrote:
>>> When we upgraded to 3.8.0, I reworked most of Dirk's forking patch  
>>> into
>>> callbacks (I did keep the standalone select-queue page, although  
>>> at some
>>> point I'd like to try eliminating that as well with some sort of  
>>> ajaxy
>>> dropdown queue selector) so I wouldn't have to keep re-patching each
>>> upgrade.  If there's interest, I can knock together some  
>>> documentation
>>> and make my version available for download somewhere.
>> I'm too interested since I tried the patch of Dirk but it fails with
>> 3.8.x and there is a piece of code that almost does what the patch  
>> does
>> but not quite to my taste. So add me to the list please.
> Please add me to the list as well, since I am using RT 3.8.0.  Given
> that this patch has been around for a long time, is there any reason  
> why
> it hasn't been accepted into the core distribution of RT?  It seems  
> like
> a modification a lot of people would benefit from..
Well, we started with the "Clone ticket" stuff we built for 3.8, but  
many users were...quite vocal about how they preferred "create a new  
related ticket" instead.

Of course, my ideal is to provide reasonable hooks to make it easy to  
create an extension like this and not need to patch RT.

> -- 
> Cheers,
> David
> Nuix Pty Ltd
> Suite 79, 89 Jones St, Ultimo NSW 2007, Australia    Ph: +61 2 9280  
> 0699
> Web: http://www.nuix.com                            Fax: +61 2 9212  
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