[rt-users] Template Variables - Not In FromAddress?!?

Paul Broadwith paul.broadwith at blueivy.co.uk
Thu Aug 28 13:13:51 EDT 2008



I'm using the template from the second message in this thread
http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/rt/users/74122. While the problem
I'm having is not this template in general (otherwise I'd contact the
author), I have a question about the variables in FromAddress.


The original code is this:


my $FromAddress = 'RT Requests <rt[at]myorg.org>'; 
my $ContactAddress = 'real.person[at]myorg.org';


Now I've modified it to:


my $FromAddress = 'RT Requests <$RT::CorrespondAddress>';

my $ContactAddress = $RT::CorrespondAddress;


The $ContactAddress works fine and comes out to the correct address (as
this is used in the message body later on), however the FromAddress is
show as $RT::CorrespondAddress at MYHOSTNAME (where MYHOSTNAME is the
hostname of the server it's running on). I can't understand why this is.


I've tried moving the < and > around the address so that it has spaces
there in case that caused it. I've even modified the code so that it is:


my $ContactAddress = $RT::CorrespondAddress;

my $FromAddress = 'RT Requests < $ContactAddress >';


And the problem is still there. Can anybody help?


One other amendment I was wanting to make was to change the FromAddress
so that it reads:


my $FromAddress = '$Ticket->QueueObj->Description < $ContactAddress >';


Which is what the AutoReply template uses when responding. Again this
doesn't work and I removed it from the code so that it doesn't
complicate things, however anybody help with this too?


Many thanks in advance.


Kind regards,


Paul Broadwith

{Blue Ivy Ltd - ICT For Small Businesses}


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