[rt-users] Rights, rights, rights... Approval queue...

Jean-Sebastien Morisset jsmoriss at mvlan.net
Thu Feb 7 10:24:36 EST 2008

On Thu, Feb 07, 2008 at 03:09:54PM +0000, Jean-Sebastien Morisset wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 06, 2008 at 11:19:48AM -0800, Kenneth Crocker wrote:
> I should also mention that I've configured the ___Approval queue. For
> some reason it's showing up on the user's home page. I thought the
> ___Approval queue would be hidden... Should it be?
> I'm still tweaking the approval process. There's some conflicts between
> the global scrips and the approval queue scrips. For example, the global
> scrip "On Create Notify AdminCcs with template Transaction" and the
> ___Approval queue scrip "On Create Notify AdminCcs with template New
> Pending Approval". It looks like I'll have to move that global scrip
> into each queue instead to avoid duplicate e-mails with the ___Approval
> queue.

I might as well explain how I configured the Approval process too. :-)

Configuration -> Global -> Scrips:

    On ApprovlReq Create Tickets with template Create Approval
    (I ran an insert in the DB for this. It seems to work fine.)

Configuration -> Global -> Templates:

Create Approval
    ===Create-Ticket: management-approval
    Subject: Approval for Ticket #{$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id}: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}
    Queue: ___Approvals
    Type: approval
    Owner: Nobody
    Cc: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->RequestorAddresses}
    Cc: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->OwnerObj->EmailAddress}
    DependedOnBy: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id}
    RefersTo: {$Tickets{"TOP"}->Id}
    CustomField1: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->FirstCustomFieldValue('1')}
    CustomField5: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->FirstCustomFieldValue('5')}
    ContentType: text/plain
    Content: A request regarding "{$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}" in the {$Tickets{'TOP'}->QueueObj->Name} queue needs management approval. Please approve / resolve or reject this ticket to proceed.

    Original Ticket Request:


At one point I tried using an AdminCc with the 'Management' group
members, but instead I've listed the Management group as Admin Watchers
for the ___Approval queue...

Configuration -> Queues -> ___Approvals -> Watchers:

Administrative Cc:

Configuration -> Queues -> ___Approvals -> Group Rights:

User defined groups: Management

Configuration -> Queues -> ___Approvals -> Scrips:

    On Create Notify AdminCcs with template New Pending Approval
    (This conflicts with a global 'On Create' scrip.)

Configuration -> Queues -> ___Approvals -> Templates:

New Pending Approval
    Subject: New Pending Approval: {$Ticket->Subject}

    There is a new item pending your approval: "{$Ticket->Subject()}",
    a summary of which appears below.

    Please visit the following URL to approve or reject this ticket.
    You can also use {$RT::WebURL}Approvals/ to batch-process all your
    pending approvals.

    Ticket Approval URL:


So... What do you think? On the right track? Off the track a bit? :-)

Jean-Sebastien Morisset, Sr. UNIX Administrator <jsmoriss at mvlan.net>

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