[rt-users] Possible browser-dependent Stylesheet problem between 3.6.3 and 3.6.5

Mike Friedman mikef at ack.berkeley.edu
Wed Jan 9 12:00:04 EST 2008

Hash: SHA1

On Wed, 9 Jan 2008 at 09:22 (+0100), Emmanuel Lacour wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 08, 2008 at 04:20:10PM -0800, Mike Friedman wrote:
>> One of our RT systems here was just upgraded from 3.4.5 to 3.6.5 and 
>> now I find that most of the 'style' is gone in the web pages, but only 
>> with Opera and IE (6).  Firefox displays the new page formats just 
>> fine.
> I had the same problem, this was because NoAuth/css wasn't excluded from 
> fastcgi so there were headers added which was accepted by firefox but 
> not by IE. The problem is certainly in your apache config. What are you 
> using ? Fastcgi ? Mod_perl ? Can you give us a sample of your vhost 
> configuration ? Also try to download your css from firefox and look at 
> the result.

This RT is using mod_perl.  Below is the RT-related excerpt from the vhost 
config.  This was set up a long time ago by someone who no longer works 
here and used to support this RT instance.  I must admit that I don't 
understand a lot of it;  in the RT's I support, my vhost definitions are 
much simpler.


    ### ######################################## #
    ### RT3
    # NB, from the rt-users mailing list:
    # "I have avoided using RedirectMatch by only applying "SetHandler
    # perl-script" (which seems to be what blocks the usual DirectoryIndex
    # behaviour) to html files, and those specific directories which need it."
    Alias /rt /usr/local/rt3/share/html
    PerlModule Bundle::Apache2
    PerlModule Apache2::compat
    PerlModule Apache::DBI
  #  PerlRequire /usr/local/rt3/bin/ap2mp2-fix.pl
    PerlRequire /usr/local/rt3/bin/webmux.pl
    <Directory /usr/local/rt3/share/html>
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all
      Options All
      AllowOverride All
      AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
      <Files *.html>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler RT::Mason
    <Directory /usr/local/rt3/share/html/Ticket/Attachment>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler RT::Mason
    <Directory /usr/local/rt3/share/html/SelfService/Attachment>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler RT::Mason
    <Directory /usr/local/rt3/share/html/REST>
      SetHandler perl-script
      PerlHandler RT::Mason

Mike Friedman                        Information Services & Technology
mikef at berkeley.edu                   2484 Shattuck Avenue
1-510-642-1410                       University of California at Berkeley
http://socrates.berkeley.edu/~mikef  http://ist.berkeley.edu

Version: PGP 6.5.8


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