[rt-users] How-to-do? Ticket Custom fields with different pragmatics in Ticket life time

Dirk Pape pape-rt at inf.fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 24 11:02:32 EST 2008

Hello Todd,

--Am 18. Januar 2008 07:52:31 -0500 schrieb Todd Chapman <todd at chaka.net>:

> What you want to do is going to be very difficult. If custom field
> permissions checking had some context of the current ticket having it's CF
> permissions checked then you could do something clean, but unfortunately
> no context is provided.
> There are callbacks that allow you to override what mason components are
> used to display each CF and they do have ticket/page context, so you could
> use them to display edit/display read-only/not display based on the ticket
> and what context the CF is being viewed in.

Thanks for your advice. I will look through the callbacks you mention.


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