[rt-users] Editing ShowCustomFields file to maintain Custom Field value formatting

Simon Jester sklutch at hostile.org
Tue Mar 4 10:09:31 EST 2008

Morning, everyone!

Long time lurker (with occasional stupid questions) running into an issue with 
a customization to ShowCustomFields file.

In 3.6.1, I edited the ShowCustomfields file to inject a <pre></pre> statement 
just inside the <li> blocks. This took care of an issue in which the carriage 
returns in the custom field value were being stripped on display by the 
browsers. (Interestingly enough, the returns were in the page source but were 
stripped on display). This worked for some time and all was happy. 

Now, I'm deploying replacement hardware (beefy!) and taking the opportunity to 
bump my installation to 3.6.5 and I'm stymied by the changes made to the 
ShowCustomFields file in which the code block that was present in 3.6.1 was 
moved to a subroutine and updated. If I use the same logic and insert my 
<pre></pre> statement just inside the <li> block, it just gets ignored and the 
custom fields are a jumble of text.

What up with that?  Can someone point me to the proper place/method to insert 
these statements?  Or is there a better way that I've completely missed in my 
zeal to edit source files?  :)


<<<<3.6.1 file changes>>>>
% while (my $Value = $Values->Next()) {
   <pre>  <---Added
% if ($CustomField->LinkValueTo) {
<a href="<%$Value->LinkValueTo|n%>" target="_new">
% }
            ahah('<%$Value->IncludeContentForValue%>', 'object_cf_value_<%
% }
   </pre> <---Added

<<<<3.6.5 Unsuccessful file changes>>>>
% while ( my $Value = $Values->Next ) {
 <pre>  <---Added
% $print_value->( $CustomField, $Value );
 </pre> <---Added
% }

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