[rt-users] Per User/Queue Copy of All Ticket Transactions

Paul Hirose pthirose at ucdavis.edu
Mon Nov 24 19:34:58 EST 2008

Some of our support staff prefer to get an email copy of "everything" that happens on a given ticket or for all tickets in a given queue.  I found an "OnTransaction" Scrip, but wasn't sure how to attach that to only a specific ticket, or only a specific queue, and only for certain users (at their preference, without SuperUser rights.)  I've also not figured out which Right(s) might be needed for a specific user, so it may be possible (but not yet, as the user hasn't the right.)

These folks essentially have an email program always running.  They probably also always have a web browser running, but not necessarily on the RT webpage.  They have their email program to ding or flash or whatever as new email comes in, and it catches their attention, and they can proceed to process that email RT support request (either via email or via webpage.)  But that initial "Hey, there's a new ticket" or "Hey, something happened to a ticket/queue" attention-getting, they prefer via email.

The support staff who prefer to have RT's homepage up and have it auto-refresh, are of course fine :)

Thank you,

Paul Hirose          : pthirose at ucdavis.edu : Sysadm Motto: rm -fr /MyLife
1034 Academic Surge  : Programmer/Analyst   : Backup Motto : rm -fr /
One Shields Avenue   : Voice (530) 752-7181 : Robot, n.: Univ. Admin
Davis, CA 95616-8770 : Fax   (530) 752-4465 : rec.pets.cat.anecdotes

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