[rt-users] Possible dumb question...be warned

Emmanuel Lacour elacour at easter-eggs.com
Wed Oct 1 10:54:35 EDT 2008

On Wed, Oct 01, 2008 at 02:45:13PM +0000, Simon Jester wrote:
> I had my previous programmer tell me that there was a limitation on the 
> number of queues that could be created, because of programmatic reasons.
> I was busy with 3 other projects and just took his word for it...but later
> my brain said it was all just table data and databases can have silly levels
> of table data.
> Just looking for verification before I create a whole slew of new queues.
> Yes, at the request of mgmt.  :)

RT.cpan.org as thousands of queues (one per Perl package) so a lot is
possible ;)

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