[rt-users] Charset issues after upgrade to 3.8.1

Emmanuel Lacour elacour at easter-eggs.com
Tue Sep 2 10:58:32 EDT 2008

On Tue, Sep 02, 2008 at 07:39:14AM -0700, F350 wrote:
> Exactly.
> I run the show variables like 'character_set%'; command, here is the output:
> +--------------------------+----------------------------+
> | Variable_name            | Value                      |
> +--------------------------+----------------------------+
> | character_set_client     | latin1                     | 
> | character_set_connection | latin1                     | 
> | character_set_database   | latin1                     | 
> | character_set_filesystem | binary                     | 
> | character_set_results    | latin1                     | 
> | character_set_server     | latin1                     | 
> | character_set_system     | utf8                       | 
> | character_sets_dir       | /usr/share/mysql/charsets/ | 
> +--------------------------+----------------------------+
> I did execute the script again, same problem.

Maybe not a good idea :( I hope it didn't did wrong things.

> New tickets however are OK and scrambled custom field attributes and

Theoritically you should be in a situation where:

- datas inserted before 3.8.1 were converted from latin1 to utf-8 and should appears right
- datas inserted after 3.8.1, before 4.0-4.1 script may be inserted as
  utf-8, but tables may be defined as latin1 so may be garbled
- datas inserted after 4.0-4.1 scrip should be ok

> templates can be modified and updated. Is it secure to update everything and
> forget about this problem ?

The only risk I see (but I may be missing something) is that corrupted
tickets will continue to display badly, new tickets will be ok, every RT
configuration thinks that may contains non-ascii chars (queue names,
templates, scrips names, users names, group names, ...) should be
checked and updated manually if needed to look correctly on the UI.

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