[rt-users] RT 3.6.4, user list too long when resolving multiple tickets

Christopher Kunz (Filoo GmbH) chris at de-punkt.de
Mon Feb 2 07:15:30 EST 2009

Hi all,

since our upgrade to RT 3.6.4, the "resolve multiple tickets"
functionality shows erratic behavior in my installation. When before, it
only showed the privileged users (which are in the ballpark of 3-10 per
queue), it then started to show *all* users who ever submitted tickets,
including obvious spam and bogus users.

This leads to inacceptable long loading times (the "resolve multiple
tickets" page takes about 3 minutes to load). We're currently around
ticket #74000 in our installation, so there are quite some ticket owners
in the database...

Unfortunately, I am not completely sure if the update to 3.6.4 is the
actual reason for this change in behavior, since I have also made some
minor changes in the configuration (which, of course, I don't remember

Is there a switch in the config files that might have caused this behavior?

Thanks for pointers,


         Christopher Kunz | Geschäftsführung | chris at filoo.de
Filoo GmbH | Tilsiter Str. 1 | 33449 Langenberg | HRB4355 AG Gütersloh
           Geschäftsführer: S.Grewing | J.Rehpöhler | C.Kunz
   Hotline: 07000-3378658 |  Fax: 01805-963951172 (jew. 14 ct./Min.)

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