[rt-users] Diplaying Custom fields globally

Kenneth Crocker KFCrocker at lbl.gov
Mon Feb 23 13:46:16 EST 2009


	I have done this for a couple of queries. You can modify the default 
fields to be automatically listed as display fields in the Query Builder 
tool by going to /RTHome/etc and chaning the RT_SiteConfig.pm file and 
making your changes. When I did this, I wanted the minimum fields that 
99% of my users used to be automatic. It takes "FOREVER" to add and 
subtract a field one entry at a time so this saved my users a great deal 
of time. I included a Custom Field in that list.
	You can also modify certain default Queries. I modified "Quicksearch" 
and "MySupportQueues" by copying the /share/html/whatever to a local 
version and then making my changes. Find out where the query you want to 
change exists and copy it to "local" and then change it. Hope this 
helps. OH. Be smart and keep a copy of your changes for the next upgrade.


On 2/23/2009 9:52 AM, Steve O'Brien wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am using the RT::Extension::SLA module, which is working great.  I am 
> trying to figure out how to do something seemingly simple.  I would like 
> the Custom SLA field to display globally on RT At A Glance and pretty 
> much everywhere so that people can use that information to prioritize.  
> I found some docs for RT 3.6.2 but it was different; I know how to edit 
> my own view and see them I just don’t know how to make that the default 
> view.
> TIA,
> Steve
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