[rt-users] Storing custom field file to local file system

BJ Blanchard blabj at dainty.ca
Tue Jun 2 16:24:59 EDT 2009

I am writing a custom dhandler for a CMMS/Work Order system based on

Essentially I have a Work Order Template (an OpenOffice ODT file with
user-defined fields) that I populate with custom fields from an RT
Ticket using command-line XMLstarlet tool.

Everything is working when I store my template document on the file
system..  ie. my $file = dirname($m->current_comp->source_file) .

But I want to get the template document from an Asset Custom Field.

>From outside of RT, and using LWP::Simple - I can do this - which works:

  my $asset = RTx::AssetTracker::Asset->new($RT::SystemUser);
  my $cf = RT::CustomFieldValue->new($RT::SystemUser);

  $asset->Load("WO Template");
  $cf = $asset->CustomFieldValues("File")->First;

  my $id = $cf->Id;

  my $url = RT->Config->Get('WebPath') .

Unfortunately from within the dhandler it does not work.  There are
authentication issues.. ie. it returns the RT login html instead of the
template document.

I tried appending "?user=rtuser&pass=rtpassword" to the url, but no

Within RT itself, is there a "LWP::Simple::getstore" equivalent??

Or perhaps more easily put:  How do you extract a file from a custom
field and store it on the local file system?


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