[rt-users] Autoreply to Actor only

Richard Brady rnbrady at gmail.com
Wed Jun 24 08:13:30 EDT 2009

No, you are spot on.

When an email is sent, their is something called the message envelope, which
is distinct from the message header. The envelope determines who the message
is delivered to, whereas the header determines what is displayed in their
email program.

Your method involved specifying recipients at the tope of an RT template,
which as far as I know will only result in the headers being modified. That
will affect what people see in their email programs, but not who the email
is actually sent to.

However, for all I know RT could be populating the envelope recipients from
the header recipients specified in the template.

Oh well, no harm in trying :)

2009/6/24 Raed El-Hames <rfh at vialtus.com>

> No sure I know what you mean, yes it will exclude other recipients but I
> thought this is what you want:
> " I am trying to write a Scrip to autoreply to only the actor of a
> transaction."
> Did I miss the point??
> Roy
> Richard Brady wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply.
>> Surely that won't result in the message envelope being changed to exclude
>> the other recipients?
>> 2009/6/24 Raed El-Hames <rfh at vialtus.com <mailto:rfh at vialtus.com>>
>>    I do this via the templates, create a new template and at the top
>>    of the template add:
>>    To: {$Transaction->CreatorObj->EmailAddress}
>>    Subject:{$Ticket->Subject}
>>    RT-Attach-Message: Yes
>>    Your template text etc
>>    In the scrip make your
>>    Action: Notify Other Recipients
>>    Template: Your new template
>>    Regards;
>>    Roy
>>    Richard Brady wrote:
>>        Hi folks
>>        I am trying to write a Scrip to autoreply to only the actor of
>>        a transaction. When a ticket is closed and someone tries to
>>        correspond, I want to autoreply with a message advising that
>>        further correspondence is not possible. I am currently using
>>        Autoreply to Requestors and CCs, but this sends the
>>        notification to everyone. Now I have put custom conditions in
>>        my other scrips to not relay the correspodnence on a closed
>>        ticket, so other requestors are getting the "bounce" message
>>        and won't know where it's from.
>>        I don't believe this is related to the global NotifyActor
>>        setting which has been discussed several times on this list.
>>        I think the problem here is that I know how to write a custom
>>        condition, but I have no idea how to write a custom action
>>        which sends an email. If I could find an example of a custom
>>        action that replies to ticket requestors, I could probably
>>        modify it to send to transaction actor instead, but I can't
>>        find such an example.
>>        Thanks in advance for any tips.
>>        Richard
>>        --
>>        Richard Brady
>>        T: +44 (0)7771 623 348
>>        E: rnbrady at gmail.com <mailto:rnbrady at gmail.com>
>>        <mailto:rnbrady at gmail.com <mailto:rnbrady at gmail.com>>
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