[rt-users] Malformed mulipart POSt when using MSIE 7 with RT 3.8.4.

James Bromberger james.bromberger at vibrantmedia.com
Tue Jun 30 12:15:26 EDT 2009

Hello all,


I have just updated by RT to 3.8.4 (Debian package), and while I am a
Firefox user, I have just seen that using MSIE 7 is getting an empty
response at certain times, such as when updating a ticket (Update.html).
Looking at the Apache error log shows "Malformed multipart POST
(/usr/share/request-tracker3.8/libexec/webmux.pl:165)". I've not seen
this with Firefox (3.x). I have the following plug-ins installed:


* RTx-Statistics

* RT::CommandByMail

* Apache2::AuthenNTLM::Cookie

* RTx-Calendar


Does anyone know why I would get an empty response and the above error
message with MSIE? I managed to load the ticket update page
(/Ticket/Update.html?Action=Comment&id=909) but when it went to submit
the form data it bailed out.





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