[rt-users] RT Email config for Google Apps
Allen Lee
allen at crystalfontz.com
Fri May 1 14:24:37 EDT 2009
> 1. RT Email config for Google Apps (Vincent Beau)
You could use Google Apps to create a mailbox (like "rt") on Google's
servers. Then the RT's email address would be "rt at yourdomain". Then
login to that mailbox on G-Apps and create some filters so that mail
sent to different queues would be labelled differently. If you have a
"support" queue, for example, set a filter at Google so that all mail
sent to "rt+support at yourdomain" will have the actions "Skip Inbox" and
"Label : Support." Mail sent to "rt+support-comment at yourdomain" will
have the actions "Skip Inbox" and "Label : Support-Comment."
Then go into the Settings of the "rt" user's G-Apps account and enable
IMAP service.
Then run fetchmail as a daemon on your linux server where RT is
installed. Your /etc/fetchmailrc file might look like this:
set daemon 60
set invisible
set no bouncemail
set no syslog
set logfile /var/log/fetchmail
poll imap.gmail.com
proto IMAP service 993 user rt at YOURDOMAIN pass YOURPASSWORD
folder Support ssl
mda "/usr/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://YOUR-RT-URL/rt --queue
Support --action correspond"
poll imap.gmail.com
proto IMAP service 993 user rt at YOUDOMAIN pass YOURPASSWORD
folder Support-Comment ssl
mda "/usr/bin/rt-mailgate --url http://YOUR-RT-URL/rt --queue
Support --action comment"
You would have a pair of "poll" config lines like that above for each
Queue. Those lines would be for your "Support" queue and you replace
the things in ALLCAPS with your appropriate things.
Doing this way lets all the mail pile up at Google, then your RT just
goes and sucks down the appropriate unread messages into each queue
every minute, creating a ticket for each one and leaving the read
messages on the G-Apps servers.
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