[rt-users] Since Upgrade to 3.8.8 reply to resolved does not reopen ticket...help please.

Eric Malain lyoncoeur at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 2 15:49:08 EDT 2010

Hello RT Users, I need some suggestions...

We recently upgraded our RT from 3.8.0 to 3.8.8, when we did this, the function 
that re-opens a resolved ticket upon a reply has stopped working. It used to be 
that when we would resolve a ticket, if the original requester replied to the 
"resolved" email, either with a "thanks" or "but it still dosen't work" or 
whatever, the ticket would reopen automatically. Now, the requesters email reply 
is still entered into the ticket history, but the ticket remains resolved. Any 
idea why this might have happened? I know many people would see this as a "plus" 
but I actually need this function.

Thank You,
Eric A. Malain
Network Administrator
Wellpartner, Inc
“The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all” 

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