[rt-users] Very slow ticket search creation/edit screen 3.8.4

Justin Hayes justin.hayes at orbisuk.com
Mon Feb 15 12:33:59 EST 2010

Sorry maybe I'm confusing things.

The list is long, but that's deliberate. The guys who use this RT need everyone able to own tickets, as they pass the ticket back to the customer as owner of a ticket (which isn't how we use it in Support hence our owners list is much smaller - only Support own the tickets).

I'm not sure I could get them to change how they work, and even if I could I still don't see why they owners list takes ages to generate on one screen compared to another.

Thanks for taking the time to think about this Jesse. It's much appreciated.


Justin Hayes
Orbis Support Manager
justin.hayes at orbisuk.com

On 15 Feb 2010, at 17:20, Jesse Vincent wrote:

> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 05:18:53PM +0000, Justin Hayes wrote:
>> That doesn't seem to be an answer. So it's just slow if you want to have a lot of owners??
>> It doesn't take 40 secs to render the owner dropdown on ticket create/update, so why should the search screen be so bad? They both use the same element.
> Humor me and fix your ACLs so your end-users don't have "OwnTicket"
> rights.  If that doesn't fix it, then maybe there's something else going
> on, but this is something we see misconfigured rather frequently.
>> /Elements/SelectOwner
>> Apologies if I'm missing something obvious :)
>> Cheers,
>> Justin
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> Justin Hayes
>> Orbis Support Manager
>> justin.hayes at orbisuk.com
>> On 15 Feb 2010, at 16:52, Jesse Vincent wrote:
>>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2010 at 04:30:32PM +0000, Justin Hayes wrote:
>>>> On one of our RT installs it's taking 40secs to render the 'Add Criteria' section of the 'New Search' page (or the edit search screen for that matter).
>>>> I've narrowed it down to the Owner dropdown. All the time is going to render that. Now the users of this RT allow pretty much anyone (staff and customers) to be ticket owners, so this list is rather long. However this seems like an awfully long time to get a list of owners.
>>>> I assume it's doing permissions checks.I tried giving the 'privileged user'  group 'Own Ticket' permissions to see if that remove the need for all the checking and speed things up, but it didn't help.
>>> http://wiki.bestpractical.com/view/FAQ
>>> Q: Why Bulk update and/or search builder pages are slow to load? ===
>>>> We're using 3.8.4
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Justin
>>>> -------------------------------------------------
>>>> Justin Hayes
>>>> Orbis Support Manager
>>>> justin.hayes at orbisuk.com
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