[rt-users] To/From header presentation on correspondence

Alex Balashov abalashov at evaristesys.com
Fri Jan 15 02:20:48 EST 2010


I apologise if this has been asked a lot already, but I couldn't find 
anything pertinent in the archives.  The obligatory newbie apologia is 
definitely in order.

I am rather perplexed as to what scrip and template strategies I can 
adopt to "normalise" the flow of e-mail associated with tickes, from a 
user perspective.  I am assuming that both sequential (subsequent to the 
e-mail that initially opens the ticket) messages sent by the customer 
(requestors/watchers) to RT in connection with a ticket, and messages 
sent from the ticket (via Reply) to the requestors/watchers are to be 
treated as "correspondence" rather than comments.

That leaves me with a few annoying issues arising principally from the 
fact that the template system doesn't provide a straightforward way 
(that I know of) to determine the direction of the message - inbound to 
the system, or outbound from it.  The problems specifically are:

1. All subsequent replies from the ticket to the customer contain the 
same subject tag and subject, irrespectively of their being replies.

The only way I can think of to solve this problem is by crafting some 
Perl for the Subject header in the template that regexes out what would 
otherwise become growing chains of "Re:"'s, but I wonder if there is a 
cleaner way to do it.  I assume it's a problem that's already been 
solved by many others.

2. I really wish that the "From" header on correspondence received from 
the customer into the ticket and copied to AdminCcs and the ticket owner 
via e-mail notifications would contain not only their sending display 
name, but also their real sending email address.  Instead, it is 
replaced by the CorrespondAddress, whether the default or overridden one.

3. Is there some way to disable that aspect of "correspondence" in which 
the sending customer gets a copy of their own message back each time? 
It shows that it's "From" them but has our support address as a source 
address, and just confuses matters.  I don't want to treat these 
incoming messages as "comments" in rt-mailgate, and that wouldn't solve 
#2 anyway.

Thanks in advance!

-- Alex

Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems
Web     : http://www.evaristesys.com/
Tel     : (+1) (678) 954-0670
Direct  : (+1) (678) 954-0671

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