[rt-users] RT: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at....

Seann Clark nombrandue at tsukinokage.net
Thu Jan 28 08:36:29 EST 2010

On 1/28/2010 12:43 AM, Ruslan Zakirov wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 1:17 AM, Seann Clark<nombrandue at tsukinokage.net>  wrote:
>> All,
>>    I am having a problem with ticket creation on RT. I am setting up ONMS to
>> open tickets to RT on alarm, and have had mixed results. Each time the error
>> RT: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at<some perl
>> module>  is the end result and ticket creation fails. On the RPM version on
>> Fedora 9, it failed, but not quite. It would create the ticket, but ONMS
>> didn't see the ticket created. I removed the RPM version and compiled RT
>> from scratch from the most recent stable, to verify if it was something with
>> the RPM on the 64bit platform, but I get the same results. Nothing on google
>> was conclusive to this issue, though I found some things on it, the most
>> common response was to remove and reinstall DBD, which I can't easily do
>> (production database and this is the only tool that doesn't work with it).
>>   I have periodic luck on creating tickets in the web interface though, but
>> other times I get the same error information as what is below.
> Do you have GnuPG enabled in RT on this system? If so then disable it
> and try again.
> [snip]
yes, I have that disabled. My configure line is:
./configure --enable-graphviz --enable-gd --with-web-user=apache 
--with-web-group=apache --sysconfdir=/etc/rt3/

I did try originally with GPG, and it broke it worse, so I removed it, 
deleted the code, unpacked the tarball and recompiled using the config 
string listed above and I am left with the errors above. The Fedora 9 
YUM RPM was doing the same thing as this compiled version as well.


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