[rt-users] WYSIWYG composer height not considered ?

Robert Grasso robert.grasso+nv at cedrat.com
Fri Jan 29 12:02:34 EST 2010


I am setting up RT 3.8.7 on CentOS 5.4. It works correctly so far. There seems to be a small problem : if I enable the FCKeditor,
and if I change the "WYSIWYG composer height" in some user preferences, this customized height does not seem to be taken into
account; I have to change the value in RT_SiteConfig.pm to change the editor height : does anybody have a hint or a fix about that ?

Best regards

Robert GRASSO – System engineer

15 Chemin de Malacher - Inovallée - 38246 MEYLAN cedex - FRANCE 
Phone: +33 (0)4 76 90 50 45 - Fax: +33 (0)4 56 38 08 30
mailto:robert.grasso at cedrat.com - http://www.cedrat.com 

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