[rt-users] Scrip to create multiple child tickets

Jennifer Koermer JKoermer at prg.com
Tue Mar 9 12:28:51 EST 2010

I'm playing with a similar problem.  Somewhere on this list I found the
code that allows you to create the child tickets as a custom scrip

I'm using the following to create my approval tickets. The custom file
Approvers is a comma-delmited list of email addresses.  A ticket is
create for each e-mail address in the list.   Should be able to modify
this to work for your situation. I haven't figured out how to add the
date, a custom field, or content with this method....

Alterntively, you could create a separate scrip with a different custom
condition for each client custom field value.

Here is what I did:

Scrip Configuration:
Condition:  User Defined or As Required
Action: User Defined
Template: Global template: Blank
Stage: Transaction Create

my $queue_name = '___Approvals'; 
my $cf_Approver = 'Approvers';
my $override_approver = 'emailaddress at domain.com';
my $ticket = $self->TicketObj; 
my $req_addr = $self->TicketObj->RequestorAddresses; 
my $approvers_list = $ticket->FirstCustomFieldValue($cf_Approver);
my @approvers_array = split(',',$approvers_list);
my $child_ticket = RT::Ticket->new ( $RT::SystemUser );
$RT::Logger->info( ">  Scrip #74 - Number of approvers: @approvers_array
\n" );  
foreach my $approver (@approvers_array) {
  my $required = @required_array[$int];
  $RT::Logger->info( ">  Scrip #74 - Ticket for Approver $approver\n" );
  $RT::Logger->info( ">  Scrip #74 - Required Status $required\n" );  
  my ($child_id, $child_transobj, $errormsg ) = 
      Queue => $queue_name , 
      Subject => "Approval for ticket: " . $ticket->id . " - " .
      Cc => $override_approver,
      RefersTo => $ticket->id , 
      DependedOnBy => $ticket->id , 
      Type => "approval" , 
      Reqestor => $req_addr, 
      Owner => $approver,
      AdminCc => $approver,
  unless ( $child_id ) { 
      $RT::Logger->debug(">>Error : ". $errormsg); 
      return undef ; 
return 1;

Hi everyone,

I have a Select Multiple custom field called 'Client'.  I want my scrip
create a child ticket for each client selected.  So far, my scrip works,
only creates 1 child ticket, no matter how many clients are selected.
is my current scrip:

RT 3.6.5

Description:	 Create multiple child tix
Condition:	User Defined
Action: Create Tickets
Template:	Custom Template: Create multiple child tickets
Stage: Transaction Create

Custom condition:
if ($self->TransactionObj->Type ne 'Create' &&
    $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Client') eq 'client1) {
     return 1;

if ($self->TransactionObj->Type ne 'Create' &&
    $self->TicketObj->FirstCustomFieldValue('Client') eq 'client2') {
     return 1;

return 0;

Here is the Template code:
===Create-Ticket: client
Subject: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Subject}
Depended-On-By: {$Tickets{'TOP'}->Id()}
Owner: testuser
Queue: Client Issues
Content: This ticket has been auto-created.

Is there anyone that can help me identify why only 1 child ticket is
created, and not multiple?  I obviously have limited skills here, so any
help would be greatly appreciated!  Please please help!

Thanks so much!

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