[rt-users] help with rt-crontool query

John Alberts John.Alberts at exlibrisgroup.com
Mon Nov 15 12:31:42 EST 2010

Hi.  I'm trying to have RT mail us for all unowned tickets that are 14
days or older.  I am using the line below, but it seems to be emailing
me for all unowned tickets and ignoring the 'Created' part of the
query.  Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong?  This seems
like it should be super simple.

/opt/rt3/bin/rt-crontool --search RT::Search::FromSQL --search-arg
"Owner = 'nobody' AND Created > '13 days ago' AND Status != 'resolved'
AND Status != 'rejected'"  --action RT::Action::RecordComment --template
'Unowned tickets14'


John Alberts
Hosted Services
Exlibris USA
john.alberts at exlibrisgroup.com
cell: 1-508-878-2197

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