[rt-users] Using RT to track outgoing requests

Yan Seiner yan at seiner.com
Wed Apr 27 08:18:42 EDT 2011

Nathan Ward wrote:
> On 27/04/2011, at 10:15 PM, Raed El-Hames wrote:
>> Nathan:
>> There are different ways of dealing with the scenario you have.
>> What I do in here in a set up very similar to yours, is create a ticket with the customer contact as a requestor,
>> When 3rd party supplier needed I create a linked/child ticket in queue that does not send a standard auto-responder and instead an email similar to correspondence.
>> I like to separate my supplier and customer communication , hence the use of a linked ticket, but I have a scrip that trickle the updates from the child ticket to the parent as a comment, this allows me to have all correspondence on the issue in one single ticket. 
> This approach sounds good, but I'm not sure it will work for me. I often need to create a ticket with a customer, for example "We need to move this around in such a way" or "We need to free up some hard drive space" or something.
> I also often deal with suppliers that are not my supplier, but the customers' supplier - for example today I have a problem where a customer's outbound email relay at their ISP is blacklisted, and I've noticed this, so I need to raise a ticket with the people who run their in-house exchange server and manage moving their mail to relay through a host I provide them.
> I could go to my customer and have them relay information for me, but that's a pain when they are not technical and don't pass information on quite right - I prefer to deal direct.
This is exactly the boat I'm in as well.  I need to send an email to a 
3rd party, either as a new ticket, or from within an existing ticket.  
We are piloting RT as a way to keep track of utility work.

The other day I had the need to request a contractor provide a price for 
a service for an existing project.  I ended up sending the email through 
Outlook, getting the quote back, sending that to RT as a new ticket, and 
then merging the tickets.  Yuck.  I can do that; I can't train my users 
to do that.

I need some way to send a fairly ordinary looking email to an outside 
party that is not on the ticket, from within RT and attached to a ticket.


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